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Who we are

Get to know us and our story

We find top people on call

We are a team of experienced industry professionals. For more than 20 years, our consultants have been helping companies attract the best people to their teams.

Our experience is both local and international. We have extensive experience in recruitment, executive search and business development. This creates a strong synergy that benefits our clients.

- Ing. Miriam Krpelánová, Managing Director

Our story

The year 2004 marked our entry into the market of consultancy services in the field of human resources management and recruitment agencies. Full of enthusiasm, we developed our academic know-how in this field with new knowledge and started to put it into practice with the first steps. Since then, the trend of continuous professional and personal growth, learning and increasing professionalism is constantly present in our company.


entering the market and establishing a TC in competition with recruitment agencies

change of legal form / coping with the financial crisis



entry to international markets, improvement of know-how

the largest personnel agency in the Banska Bystrica region



significant expansion of the team of external consultants, thereby expanding our scope to the entire territory of the Slovak Republic

the beginning of internal training and the implementation of consultancy in the field of external financing of HR activities for our clients



development of know-how and implementation of personnel consultancy

complex servicing of the client from the audit of HR activities to the design and implementation of solutions



expansion of the team in the field of HR consulting and the establishment of systematic internal training

we are celebrating 20 years on the market


Read more about our colleagues

Expertise is the fundamental pillar on which our company stands and also what our partners can rely on 100%. Expertise is what we pride ourselves on and continually develop in our consultants.

Miroslav Lichy

Managing Partner

Miriam Krpelánová

Managing Director | Head of Consulting

Marcela Mihalčeková

Client Partner | Senior Recruiter

Ing. Marta Vladárová

HR Consultant

Jana Skubeničová

Sales Assistant

Adriana Briššová

HR Consultant

Jana Šuleková

Marketing Coordinator

Samuel Tatliak

Junior Recruiter

Our way

The origin of TRIGON

The year 2004 marked our entry into the market of consultancy services in the field of human resources management and recruitment agencies. Full of enthusiasm, we developed our academic know-how in this field with new knowledge and started to put it into practice with the first steps. Since then, the trend of continuous professional and personal growth, learning and increasing professionalism is constantly present in our company.


The year 2008 was marked by two events. The first one was to change the legal form and establish a limited liability company right at the beginning. The second was a less pleasant event, namely the onset of the economic crisis, which was probably the most visible in this segment. We have adapted, we have persevered and we are still here stronger and more capable than ever before.

Launch of international recruitment

The year 2010 was marked by the launch of international business and the experience of international recruitment. We have improved our processes, broadened our horizons and know-how and we are still benefiting from it. Our international headhunting division for specialist positions continues to thrive.

The largest in the region

Thanks to our efforts, quality services, but mainly based on our results and client satisfaction, we have become the largest recruiting agency in the Banská Bystrica region. Clients have learned that they can rely on us and that is why they remain loyal to us.

We are one step closer to you

We have launched a model of external consultants. We have a team of experienced recruiters who can help companies with their recruitment needs thanks to our proven processes and experience. We cover the whole of Slovakia and we can be closer to you, our clients.

We are close to you

We are a 100% Slovak recruitment agency

Thanks to our network of senior consultants, we serve the whole of Slovakia. In addition to the company headquarters in Banská Bystrica, we have consultants in Bratislava, Nitra, Trnava, Levice, Ziar nad Hronom, Zvolen and Košice. We have experience in a variety of industries and can successfully fill different types of positions. We will find you the best candidates in your region.

Your new employees are closer than you think!

Managing Partner

Ing. Miroslav Lichý

Už 15 rokov poskytujem profesionálne náborové služby pre klientov po celom Slovensku. Mojím cieľom je spájať správnych kandidátov s firmami a pomáhať im rásť. Podporujem zaujímavé partnerstvá medzi spoločnosťami.


UMB Ekonomická fakulta, manažment, Banking Institute College Praha


Ovládam anglický jazyk na vysokej úrovni.

Managing Director | Head of Consulting

Ing. Miriam Krpelánová

Pracovnú kariéru som začínala v oblasti vzdelávania. V ďalšej kariére som získala skúsenosti s budovaním, vedením a motiváciou obchodných tímov, koučingom a vedením ľudí v nadnárodných korporátoch. V posledných 5 rokoch sa aktívne venujem oblasti ľudských zdrojov.

Aktuálne pracujem ako konzultant a headhunter v personálnej agentúre. Aktívne spolupracujem s množstvom podnikateľských subjektov formou poradenstva aj prostredníctvom Národného podnikateľského centra.

Svoje profesionálne skúsenosti venujem aktívnej personálnej práci vo sfére analýzy aktuálnej situácie v spoločnostiach, návrhu riešení šitých na mieru potrebám klientov, výberu vhodných kandidátov, vedeniu pohovorov, koučingu, poradenstvu a lektorovaniu. Aktívne sa venujem už niekoľko rokov kariérnemu poradenstvu pre kandidátov, ktorí si hľadajú nové uplatnenie na trhu práce.


Absolvovala Ekonomickú fakultu UMB v odbore Marketing a Manažment v Banskej Bystrici. Vzdelanie si aktívne dopĺňala v oblasti koučingu, vzdelávania dospelých, lektorovania a mentoringu.


Aktívne ovládam Anglický jazyk, mám základy francúzskeho jazyka.

Client Partner | Senior Recruiter

Mgr. Marcela Mihalčeková

Som komunikatívna a aktívna osobnosť s profesionálnymi zručnosťami a praktickými skúsenosťami v oblasti manažmentu, poisťovníctva, športu, vzdelávania a ľudských zdrojov.

Pôsobila som v oblasti náboru a výberu zamestnancov, tiež ako HR konzultantka. Ako spolumajiteľka personálnej agentúry som nadobudla skúsenosti v oblasti headhuntingu a s tým spojeného obsadzovania TOP manažérskych pozícií. Ako manažérka športového centra som prevádzkovala súkromný podnik vo vysoko-konkurenčnom prostredí a rozšírila som si svoje marketingové, organizačné, logistické a personalistické zručnosti.

Som pragmatická, ale zároveň veľmi empatická, a preto dokážem svojich klientov dobre odhadnúť a správne nasmerovať. Mám skvelé organizačné zručnosti, dokážem viesť a motivovať tím, utužovať medziľudské vzťahy.


Je absolventkou Filozofickej fakulty UMB Banská Bystrica, odbor Sociálna filozofia so zameraním na personalistiku v malých a stredných podnikoch.


Anglický jazyk.

Senior Recruiter

Ing. Marta Vladárová

Stála som pri zrode spoločnosti ešte počas štúdií. Podieľala som sa na nastavovaní procesov a budovania know-how. Zúčastňovala som sa obchodných rokovaní a získavania prvých klientov. Mám prax v kompletnej HR problematike od analýzy pracovného miesta u klienta, cez kompletný výberový proces, až po etablovanie uchádzačov u klienta. Pri výberovom procese som využívala rôzne moderné metódy s využitím poznatkov psychológie, ako sú napr. assessment centrá.

V súčasnosti pôsobím ako externý konzultant spoločnosti.


Som absolventkou Ekonomickej fakulty Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici. Vzdelanie si počas pracovného života dopĺňam rôznymi školeniami, najmä v oblasti obchodu, psychológie, kvality a riadenia ľudí.


Anglický jazyk.

Sales Assistant

Bc. Jana Skubeničová

Som komunikatívna a aktívna osobnosť, ktorá má rada kontakt s ľuďmi. Mám rada poriadok a systém vo veciach, čo ma priviedlo práve k práci asistentky.

Po absolvovaní strednej ekonomickej školy som pracovala ako asistentka a školiteľka vo veľkej distribučnej firme, kde som mala možnosť získať lektorské a komunikačné zručnosti, ktoré aktívne využívam pri svojej práci.

Občas som pri svojej práci psychológom aj diplomatom. Mojou silnou stránkou je flexibilita, ktorá je dôležitá pri riešení neočakávaných úloh a situácií.


Som absolventka strednej ekonomickej školy a aktuálne dokončujem II.stupeň štúdia na vysokej škole.


Ovláda Anglický jazyk.

HR Consultant

Adriana Briššová

V spoločnosti Trigon-consulting pôsobím prvý rok. Podarilo sa mi vypracovať na Senior Recruitera a aktívne pracujem na viacerých projektoch. Obsadzujem obchodnícke, manažérske ale aj IT pracovné pozície. Od začiatku som sa snažila byť proaktívna a aj vďaka tomu som dostala dôveru a možnosť pracovať na projektoch vo viacerých odvetviach. Mám rada rôznorodosť práce a dynamické prostredie.

Tým, že celý život aktívne športujem som si vytrénovala disciplínu, vytrvalosť a chuť napredovať. Vyberám si náročnejšie cesty pred ľahšími, pretože sa držím zásady, že ťažšia cesta je tá správna. Obľubujem vyhľadávanie nových výziev, rada zdolávam prekážky a v neposlednom rade rada víťazím. Hľadám v každej situácii pozitívne veci a na problémy sa pozerám s nadhľadom. Dokážem pochopiť druhú stranu, rada počúvam a snažím sa zobrať si z toho čo najviac informácií.


Od septembra študentka Ekonomickej VŠ


Anglický jazyk – B2

Marketing Coordinator

Ing. Jana Šuleková

Slová sú silná zbraň a mojim úsilím je zacieliť ich správnym smerom, na správnych ľudí. Chcem dať textom zmysel, nech oslovia presne tých, pre ktorých sú určené.

Svoju pracovnú kariéru som začínala ako obchodná asistentka v environmentálnom sektore. Na tejto pozícii som sa stretla so širokým spektrom zaujímavých pracovných aktivít, okrem iného aj s personálnym marketingom. Mala som príležitosť byť aktívna v procese výberu zamestnancov. Avšak, už v tom čase ma najviac priťahovala kreatívna stránka veci – príprava propagačných materiálov, prezentácii a pod.

Preto som sa rozhodla ďalej rozvíjať týmto smerom a stala sa súčasťou tímu TRIGON Consulting, kde sa podieľam na online a offline marketingu spoločnosti. Pripravujem a editujem propagačné články a posty. Pomáham interným kolegom s tvorbou contentu a textov. Spolupracujem s externými partnermi pri realizácii kampaní, prezentácii produktov, tvorbe obsahu a firemnej identity. Venujem sa správe sociálnych sietí, snažím sa prinášať zaujímavosti zo sveta HR, ako aj z diania v našej firme.


Technická univerzita, Enviromentálny manažment.


Ovláda anglický jazyk.

Junior Recruiter

Samuel Tatliak

Junior recruiter so záujmom o IT odvetvie a s cieľom špecializovať sa na IT nábor. Hoci som práve začal svoju kariéru v oblasti náborovania, som zodpovedný a systematický, čo mi pomáha vytvárať účinné procesy pri hľadaní talentov pre našich klientov.

Vďaka štúdiu IT som získal základné pochopenie technológií a jazykov, ktoré mi pomáhajú lepšie pochopiť potreby IT profesionálov.

Mimo svojej profesionálnej kariéry som zanieteným podporovateľom osobného rozvoja a podnikania. Aktuálne pracujem na vlastnom projekte zameranom na podporu ľudí v oblasti sebarozvoja a ich podnikateľských aktivitách.

Som nadšený z toho, že môžem byť súčasťou rastúcej komunity a verím, že moje vedomosti a skúsenosti mi pomôžu nájsť ideálnych kandidátov pre rôzne IT pozície. Ak máte záujem o spoluprácu, neváhajte ma kontaktovať. Teším sa na spoluprácu s vami!


Študent vysokej školy.


Ovláda plynule anglický jazyk.

V akej oblasti vám môžeme pomôcť?


Managing Partner

Ing. Miroslav Lichý

I have been providing professional recruitment services to clients all over Slovakia for 15 years. My goal is to connect the right candidates with companies and help them grow. Encourage interesting partnerships between companies.


UMB Faculty of Economics, Management, Banking Institute College Prague


I speak English at a high level.

Managing Director | Head of Consulting

Ing. Miriam Krpelánová

I started my working career in education. Later in my career I gained experience in building, leading and motivating sales teams, coaching and managing people in multinational corporations. I have been actively involved in Human Resources for the last 5 years.

I currently work as a consultant and headhunter in a recruitment agency. I actively work with a number of business entities in the form of consultancy, including through the National Business Centre.

I dedicate my professional experience to active HR work in the sphere of analysis of the current situation in companies, designing solutions tailored to the needs of clients, selecting suitable candidates, conducting interviews, coaching, consulting and lecturing. I have been actively involved in career counselling for several years for candidates looking for a new career in the labour market.


She graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics in Marketing and Management in Banská Bystrica. She has actively supplemented her education in the field of coaching, adult education, lecturing and mentoring.


I have active knowledge of English language, I have the basics of French language.

Client Partner | Senior Recruiter

Mgr. Marcela Mihalčeková

I am a communicative and proactive personality with professional skills and practical experience in management, insurance, sports, education and human resources.

I have worked in recruitment and selection, also as an HR consultant. As a co-owner of a recruitment agency, I have gained experience in headhunting and the associated filling of TOP managerial positions. As a sports centre manager, I ran a private business in a highly competitive environment and expanded my marketing, organisational, logistical and HR skills.

I am pragmatic, but also very empathetic, and therefore I am able to assess my clients well and give them the right direction. I have great organizational skills, I can lead and motivate a team, strengthen interpersonal relationships.


She is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy at UMB Banská Bystrica, majoring in Social Philosophy with a focus on HR in small and medium-sized enterprises.


English language.

Senior Recruiter

Ing. Marta Vladárová

I was at the birth of the company during my studies. I was involved in setting up processes and building know-how. I was involved in business negotiations and getting my first clients. I have experience in complete HR issues from job analysis at the client, through the complete selection process to the establishment of candidates at the client. During the selection process I used various modern methods with the use of psychology knowledge, such as. assessment centres.

I am currently working as an external consultant for the company.


I am a graduate of the Faculty of Economics at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. During my working life, I supplement my education with various trainings, especially in the field of business, psychology, quality and people management.


English language.

Sales Assistant

Bc. Jana Skubeničová

I am a communicative and active personality who enjoys contact with people. I like order and system in things, which is what led me to my job as an assistant.

After graduating from secondary school of economics, I worked as an assistant and trainer in a large distribution company, where I had the opportunity to acquire lecturing and communication skills that I actively use in my work.

At times I am both a psychologist and a diplomat in my work. My strength is flexibility, which is important when dealing with unexpected tasks and situations.


I am a graduate of a secondary school of economics and I am currently finishing my second degree at university.


Proficient in English.

HR Consultant

Adriana Briššová

This is my first year at Trigon-consulting. I have managed to work my way up to Senior Recruiter and am actively working on several projects. I fill sales, managerial and IT positions. From the beginning I tried to be proactive and this is one of the reasons why I was trusted and given the opportunity to work on projects in several sectors. I like the variety of work and the dynamic environment.

By being active in sports all my life, I have developed discipline, perseverance and the desire to move forward. I choose the harder paths over the easier ones because I stick to the principle that the harder path is the right one. I like to find new challenges, I like to overcome obstacles and last but not least I like to win. I look for the positive in every situation and I look at problems with detachment. I can understand the other side, I like to listen and try to take as much information as I can from it.


Since September student of the University of Economics


English language – B2

Marketing Coordinator

Ing. Jana Šuleková

Words are a powerful weapon and my effort is to aim them in the right direction, at the right people. I want to give meaning to the texts, so that they reach exactly those for whom they are intended.

I started my working career as a sales assistant in the environmental sector. In this position I have encountered a wide range of interesting work activities, including, among others, HR marketing. I had the opportunity to be active in the staff selection process. However, even at that time I was most attracted to the creative side of things – preparing promotional materials, presentations, etc.

That’s why I decided to further develop in this direction and became part of the TRIGON Consulting team, where I am involved in the online and offline marketing of the company. I prepare and edit promotional articles and posts. I help internal colleagues with content and text creation. I cooperate with external partners in the implementation of campaigns, product presentation, content creation and corporate identity. I manage social networks, I try to bring interesting news from the world of HR, as well as from what is happening in our company.


Technical University, Environmental Management.


He speaks English.

Junior Recruiter

Samuel Tatliak

Junior recruiter with an interest in the IT industry and aiming to specialise in IT recruitment. Although I have just started my career in recruitment, I am accountable and systematic, which helps me create efficient processes when sourcing talent for our clients.

By studying IT, I have gained a basic understanding of technology and languages that help me better understand the needs of IT professionals.

Outside of my professional career, I am an avid supporter of personal development and entrepreneurship. I am currently working on my own project aimed at supporting people in self-development and their entrepreneurial activities.

I am excited to be part of a growing community and believe my knowledge and experience will help me find ideal candidates for a variety of IT positions. If you are interested in cooperation, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you!


College student.


Fluent in English.

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Miroslav Lichy
Managing Partner

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