So what are the advantages of outsourcing part of the selection process? There are many perspectives and motives that can be taken into account when asking this question, respectively. answering it. By being on this page and reading these lines, you certainly have your motive, but perhaps this or the following text will give you a better insight into the other benefits that come from such cooperation.
It goes without saying that other benefits from cooperation
recruitment agency
are for the owner of a small or medium-sized company who needs to be primarily relieved of certain activities in which he is not at home and otherwise the HR manager of a large company looks at cooperation with a recruitment agency. Beyond the specifics, however, for different “segments” are objective facts that apply to all. Let’s list them briefly and then discuss them in more detail.
Everyone is an expert in something and a person who is “at home” in something will do a better job
- Opportunity costs or focus on your core business
- Everyone is an expert in something and a person who is “at home” in something will do a better job
- Relieve yourself from pre-selection, or get rid of the paperwork and spend your time only with worthy candidates
- Searching for a needle in a haystack, when you need specialists or extremely smart people who don’t grow like mushrooms after rain, this is exactly the right time to reach out to a headhunter for help
- A recruitment consultant is also a consultant who has insight into the market and can compare the “quality of candidates” against a benchmark
- Another consulting advantage of working with a professional is an overview of the labour market and a comparison of the employer’s conditions with the competition or the industry as well as a confrontation with the market reality.
There are certainly other benefits to be found, but I think these points capture the essence and added value that a good HR consultant or
recruitment agency