In Slovakia, the concept of wellbeing is gaining ground. Translations such as “quality of life”, “well-being”, “well-being”, “positive development” are not exactly the happiest, respectively. do not encompass the full breadth of meaning.
Wellbeing is a combination of feelings and states that create a kind of overall harmony.
Wellbeing is about being passionate about one’s work (not just economic gain), the need to establish and maintain healthy relationships, and it also captures the need for stability in one’s finances.
To this package of feelings we must not forget to add the level and quality of our health – mental and physical – both of which took a beating during COVID. Last but not least, there is also a sense of harmony with the social environment in which we live.
Although the concept of wellbeing is unfamiliar to many, its history goes back 80 years.
Based on longitudinal research , 5 statistically significant factors were identified. The positive news is that we can influence all of them to some extent. Let’s take a look at them.
- Meaningfulness
Everyone’s mission is (or at least should be) to create value. It doesn’t matter whether in personal or professional life. The goal should be meaningful work with a purpose.
- Finance
Everyone needs money, but we perceive the feeling of financial stability differently. The stable economic situation in the family and in employment creates a sense of well-being.
- Relations
Interpersonal relationships, whether in the workplace or in the family, are an extremely important part of wellbeing. The quality of relationships has also been shown to have an impact on our health and overall well-being.
- Health
We will stay on the topic of health, because it is an integral factor of wellbeing. Mental health in particular has grown in importance during COVID. We should not forget the physical – we can influence it with a good lifestyle and physical activity or mental exercises.
- Company
Empathy and helping others fills us with satisfaction. Getting involved (in our city or at work) helps us to socialise more and achieve common (and social) goals.
These individual factors are interlinked and influence each other.
Let’s take an example. If you have the flu with fevers, your health is affected. At the same time, this condition affects your financial comfort (less money from PN, medical expenses, etc.). Interpersonal relationships (especially in the workplace) are severely limited at the time of illness. Your condition prevents you from social contact and you cannot do full work at work or at home.
According to a Gallup poll, the 2/3 of people manage to be successful in at least one area. Only 7% of respondents said they were doing well in all 5 factors.
We have already mentioned that the factors influence each other. If you start to do exceptionally well in one area, it affects the other 4 factors.
People with higher wellbeing are healthier, more productive, more resilient to stress and better able to face challenges. They can more easily cope with social crises (such as the current pandemic). They cope more quickly with unexpected events, are more willing to help and contribute in various ways to the development of communities, organisations and society.
Let's talk casually about wellbeing in your company. Contact us to find out how wellbeing can affect the bottom line.

Why should you talk about wellbeing in the company?
Well-being in the workplace refers to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment to how workers feel about their work. Workplace wellbeing measures aim to complement OHS measures to ensure that workers are safe, healthy, happy and engaged at work.
Employee well-being is a key factor in determining the long-term effectiveness of an organisation. Many studies point to a direct link between productivity levels and the overall health and well-being of the workforce. Businesses are increasingly recognising the need to take the wellbeing of their workers seriously.
Leading employers recognise that their greatest asset is their workforce. Lack of recognition and support for workers’ wellbeing can lead to workplace problems such as stress, bullying, conflict, alcohol and drug use and mental health disorders.
Solutions such as leadership, communication and a focus on learning and development are essential for anyone committed to making the workplace a more dignified and satisfying place to work.
Many countries abroad are beginning to incorporate this issue into legislation and companies are adopting programmes to address specific health issues in the workplace as a complement to traditional OSH measures.